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Quick start


Install the library according to your language/platform

Instantiate an IoTizeDevice object

Configure the communication protocol to use

IoTize devices support multiple communication protocols (See communication protocols user guide for more information).

Note for Javascript users Each communication protocol are separated into a specific package. You can see the list on

Here are somme example of communication protocol you can use:

// For bluetooth low energy communication from a mac address
ComProtocol protocol = BLEProtocol.fromAddress(context, "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE")// ...

// For bluetooth WIFI communication 
ComProtocol protocol = WIFIProtocol.fromIP(context, "")// ...

// For NFC communication 
android.nfc.tag myNfcTag = // ...
ComProtocol protocol = NFCProtocl.create(context, myNfcTag)// ...
// For bluetooth low energy communication
// ONLY AVAILABLE in node.js environment
import { NobleBleAdapter }  from "@iotize/device-com-ble.node";

// Socket 
// ONLY AVAILABLE in node.js environment
import { SocketProtocol } from "@iotize/device-com-socket.node";
let protocol = new SocketProtocol({
    host: 'yourhost',
    port: 'yourport'

// For websocket 
// AVAILABLE in browser or node.js
import { WebSocketProtocol }  from "@iotize/device-com-websocket.js";
let protocol = new WebSocketProtocol({
    url: 'ws://yourhost:yourport'

// MQTT 
// AVAILABLE in browser or node.js
import { SocketProtocol } from "@iotize/device-com-mqtt.js";
let protocol = new MqttProtocol({
    host: 'yourhost',
    port: 'yourport',
    // TODO

Instantiate your device

Once you've pick a communication protocol you can instanciate a IoTizeDevice object and connect to it.

// Instantiate your IoTideDevice object from the ComProtocol
IoTizeDevice device = IoTizeDevice.fromProtocol(comProtocol);

// Connect to the device
let protocol: ComProtocol = ... ; // Your protocol object (see above)

let device = IoTizeDevice.create();
let connectionPromise: Promise<void> = device.connect(protocol);

    .then(() => {
        // You are now connected and ready to send commands
    .catch((err: Error) => {
        // An error occured during connection (timeout, unreachable, ...)

Send commands

Once you are connected to an IoTize device, you can perform IoTize device API calls.

Available commands are organized into multiple services. See the list of services and functions available here: IoTizeDeviceServices (android javadoc)

Let's try to read the serial number from the IoTize Device. We will use the command IoTizeDeviceServices

IoTizeDevice device = IoTizeDevice.fromProtocol(
        // Your protocol

Call<String> commandCall =;

// Execute command synchronously
Response<String> response = commandCall.execute();
if (response.isSuccessful()){
    String serialNumber = response.body();
    Log.i("yourtag", "Serial number is : " + serialNumber);
    Log.w("yourtag", "Iotize error code: " + response.codeRet());

// OR execute asynchronously
commandCall.enqueue(new ICallback<String>() {
    public void onResponse(Call<String> call, Response<String> response) {
        if (response.isSuccessful()){
            String serialNumber = response.body();
            Log.i("yourlogtag", "Serial number is : " + serialNumber);
            Log.w("yourtag", "Iotize error code: " + response.codeRet());

    public void onFailure(Call<String> call, Throwable throwable) {
        Log.e("yourlogtag", "Error occured: " + throwable.getMessage(), throwable);
let device: IoTizeDevice = ...; // Device object you have created above

// Make sure you are connected 
console.log(`Is device connected: ${device.isConnected()}`); // Should return true

let responsePromise = device.service.device.getSerialNumber();
    .then((response: Response<string>) => {
        // Received a response from the device, is does not mean that request was successfull
        // You must check response here
        if (response.isSuccess()){
            let serialNumber = response.body(); // Calling .body() with throw an error if request was not successfull
            // Do whatever you want with the serial number...
            console.error(`Unsuccessfull response with error code: ${response.codeRet()}`);
    .catch((err) => {
        // No response from device (ie: device is not connected or request timeout)

// OR sugar synthax with await:
    let serialNumber = (await device.service.device.getSerialNumber()).body();
catch (ex){
    // No response from device (ie: device is not connected or request timeout)