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IOtize DEvice cli tools. This node.js based command line interface allow you to easily interact with your IoTize tap device. It provides core functionalities such as monitoring and configuration.


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iode relay

Start a communication relay It redirects frame from one communication protocol to another.


-f, --source-protocol <sourceProtocol> - Source protocol options (where commands are comming from. For example: tcp://localhost:2000 for socket or ws://localhost:2000 for websocket)
-t, --target-protocol <targetProtocol> - Target protocol options (usually the IoTize device itself. For example ble:fb:f4:c2:4e:4e:af for BLE with device address fb:f4:c2:4e:4e:af)
-s, --server <server>                  - Create server (socket or websocket)
-p, --server-port <serverPort>         - Server port (required only if --server options is set)
--timeout <timeout>                    - Timeout
--duration <duration>                  - Kill process after duration


Create a relay from TCP to BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)

// Full synthax
iode relay --from tcp://localhost:2000 --to ble:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
// Short synthax
iode relay --from tcp --to ble:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX


iode server [--port 2000] [--type [socket|websocket]]

Start a relay server. Server will broadcast all incoming requests to other clients and send back the response.


--port <port> - Server port
--type <type> - Server type


iode scan

Scan IoTize device. Available scanning protocols are: - BLE - Wi-Fi


-d, --duration <duration> - Scan duration in milliseconds (0 for infinite). By default, it will run forever.
-a, --all                 - Show all devices (do not show only IoTize devices)
--skip-wifi               - Skip wifi scan
--skip-ble                - Skip ble scan

device (subcommand)

Device subcommand contains all commands related to a Tap device.

iode device --help



You can configure iode with iode config command.

To set a config key use command iode config --set my.key=value

To read a config key use command iode config --get my.key

Configuration is stored in a json file. To show configuration file path use iode config --file. You can directly edit the configuration with your favorite text editor.

Available configuration keys

Key Description Example
loglevel Define cli log level. Valid values are: debug, info, warn, error, none iode config --set loglevel=warn
aliases.\<youralias> Define device aliases. Once you have set an alias, it can be used with @ prefix iode config --set aliases.device1=ble:f1:49:30:D3:40:79 it will define alias @device1
default.device Default device to use (value can be an alias) iode config --set default.device=<yourdevice>


-f, --file                     - Show configuration file path
-a, --all                      - Show all entries
-g, --get <getAttribute>       - Get value: name
-d, --delete <deleteAttribute> - Delete value: name
-s, --set <setAttribute>       - Set value: name=value